Namdroling Monastery


Namdroling Monastery belongs to Sangha Community, where Buddha’s preachings are preserved intact for worldwide propagation. This monastery was founded by His Holiness, Pema Norbu Rinpoche. Home to 5000 monks and nuns, this monastery is known as a center for pure upholding of the teachings of Buddha.

Currently, the Namdroling Nyingmapa Monastery is one of the largest teaching centers of Nyingmapa, which is a lineage of Tibetan Buddhism in the world. Besides, this monastery also features a retreat center, which was opened in 1985. At this retreat center, thirty monks have undergone an intensive three-year retreat.

Every year in the autumn season, Pema Norbu Rinpoche gives instructions on Ngondro, Tsa Lung and Dzogchen, from the Namcho cycle of Terton Mingyur Dorje. This one month retreat can be attended only by people of Buddhism faith.