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Lalitgiri, with its other name as Naltigiri, is the 1st century Buddhist complex in Orissa, which together with Ratnagiri and Udayagiri creates Puspagiri University which has a number of best sculptures of that age – like significant stupas and monasteries (viharas). As a renowned Buddhist pilgrimage, this ancient lush village Lalitgiri is a holy destination for a large number of Buddhism devotees.  Numerous excavations done by the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) have related this region with the origin point of Buddhism. ASI has been conducting such excavations since 1985 to today.Ratnagiri has been a historical and religious significance that make it an ideal destination to explore. The small yet religious town in Jajpur District of Odisha is known for a huge monastery that relates to Mahayana Sect along with famous kings like Ashoka and others from Gupta Dynasty. Apart from its strong historical backgroung, Ratnagiri is also known for the flow of main rivers of Odisha known as Mahanadi, Brahmani, Kimiria and Birupa.Udayagiri, an Orissa Buddhist complex to form Pushpagiri University along with udayagiri and Lalitgiri, and bears a number of significant stupas and monasteries (viharas). Udayagiri was referred as ‘Madhavapura Mahavihara’ in the history, as per the epigraphical artifact found in the region. A number of excavations have been conducted by the Archeological Survey of India (ASI) since 1958, which is still in continuity. The large excavation done 1997 to 2000 discovered the Udayagiri-2, the second part of Udayagiri. Several additional stupas and monasteries have been excavated here by ASI.