Reiek, Mamit District


About 30 km to the West of Aizawl sprawls a prominent mountain on which Reiek village is located. This is one destination that one should not miss visiting. The mountain itself, though appearing to be of gentle slopes on its eastern side, has spectacular rocky cliffs notched with caves and caverns with luxuriant natural forest preserved since the days of the Mizo chiefs. It is only an hour away drive from Aizawl for which taxis and private vehicles are available. The mountain road takes one through the lush green hills, crosses the Tlawng River as it gushes through a narrow rocky gorge, and then climbs up the hills winding up gradually making a comfortable drive, during which one comes across a few cascades which are a photographers' delight.

At Reiek, a typical Mizo village consisting of the distinctive traditional huts of different Mizo sub-tribes, Mizo chief chieftain's house, a bachelor dormitory, etc. has been created and maintained by the Department of Tourism. This gives the visitors a peek into the glorious past of the valiant highlanders.