Palak Dil (Palak Lake)


Palak Dil or Palak Lake is the largest natural lake in Mizoram and is situated near Phura village which is about 391 km to the south of Aizawl. Oval in shape, it covers about 1 square km and is surrounded by lush virgin forests rich in flora and fauna.
Legends abound the origin of the lake. Legends aside, nature lovers are attracted by the surprisingly great variety of wildlife to be found in this remote area adjoining the Myanmar forests. It is a home to most of the common wetland birds and hill birds, and is believed to be a winter stop-over for migrating Pintail Duck while a few elephants still roam the surrounding virgin forests. Though a motorable road connects Palak Lake from Phura, care has been taken to maintain and preserve the area in its pristine environmental state.