

Pilak is located in Belonia subdivision in south Tripura. It houses archaeological ruins related to Hinduism i.e. Shiva, Surya, Baishnabi and Buddhism i.e. Hinayana, Mahayana, Bajrayana from 8th to 12th Centuray AD.
The important sites to visit includes Shyam Sundar Tilla, Deb Bari, Thakurani Tilla, Balir Pathar, Basudev Bari and Sagar Deba. The art form and style followed in the making of the images and in the sculptures appear to have remote resemblance to the sculptural and architectural style of the Palas and Guptas of Bengal. Influence of Arakan, Myanmar and local style is discernable in the form and style of Pilak images and sculpture. The number of rock-cut images and terracotta plaques are lying scattered in various places of the area.
The site has been under the care of Archaeological Survey of India.