Arts And Crafts


  • Baskets

    Traditionally bamboo had been used in making of different varieties of baskets like open weave carrying baskets, closed weave carrying baskets, shallow baskets for carrying, small storage baskets, baskets for many other functions and large storage baskets.

  • Cane and Bamboo Handicrafts

    Cane and Bamboo occupy a distinctive place in the life of Tripura. Wide variety of wonderful objects are made out of Cane and Bamboo. A variety of items are produced, including furniture, table mats and other mat products, lamp shades, etc.

  • Fish Trap and Fishing Basket

    Sudha is basically a net which is a rectangular bamboo mat woven in an open-twill weave, suspended from crossed splints and is held in both hands so that the front of the net is inclined towards the body and against the flow of water. Fish that swim into the net are scooped up out of the water and stored in the basket.

  • Handlooms

    Handloom is the oldest industry in the State and the tribal people produce their own clothes with elegant designs, unique colour combinations and lasting texture. The traditional items produced include Risa and Riha.

  • Native Furniture

    The Tripura 'mudah' is a low stool made of bamboo and split cane. Bamboo is used in the body and rim structure, while split-cane is used in binding all elements and in the seat weave. Elaborate binding detail gives the 'mudah' the strength during construction, and decorative weaves are used in the seat and the rim covering

  • Rain Sheilds and Headgear

    The 'pathla' from Tripura is a rain shield. Its top cone has a base of 230 mm with a height of 110 mm and the circular shade that is angled slightly downwards, has a diameter of 550 mm. A pentagon made up of five elements, each of which has three strips of bamboo, encircles the apex of the cone. The subsequent hexagons on the cone are also made with three strips to each element. Five wide interlocking strips of bamboo strengthen the apex of the cone. These strips are held in place by introducing them into the weave on the cone.

  • Smoking Pipes

    It is made of three parts. A clay bowl is connected by a short bamboo tube to a bamboo water container. The container part is a fairly large diameter whole culm and the length includes two internodes. The central nodal diaphragm is knocked out, while the lower node is retained to become the water container. The short bamboo tube made from a small diameter bamboo penetrates into the container to end below the water level. The other end receives the clay bowl in which the tobacco is burnt.


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